

文化 - 2023年2月27日

Promoting from within – a weapon for success

希瑟的坟墓 | 商业新闻


A Waupaca铸造 employee monitors a 120-ton holding furnace, which maintains the temperature of molten iron to prevent cooling.

NORTHEAST WISCONSIN – Looking back over the last 30 years, 托德·佩格尔, vice president of operations at Waupaca铸造, said he expected his life to take a much different path than it did. 
“I grew up in a small town, and I worked on a farm in our community,他说. “当我高中毕业的时候, 我上了一年半的大学, and with my background in 4H and working on a big beef cattle operation, I was going to school to be a veterinarian.”

Pagel said after realizing college wasn’t for him, he returned home and went back to work on the community farm.

“回来大约八个月后,我对没有完成学业感到内疚,”他说. “我想,‘好吧,如果我要回去上学,我需要能够养活自己.’”

Pagel said a friend of his worked at Waupaca铸造, 在他意识到之前, 一件事接一件事, 他开始在铸造厂工作.

“他给我看了他的工资单,我说, “圣牛, that's a big difference than working at a farm,’”他说。. “So, I put an application in with Waupaca铸造 and got hired.”

佩格尔说,他打算在铸造厂工作一年到一年半, save some money and then return to school.

“嗯, 在那一年半里, 我遇到了我的妻子, 我们订婚了,然后买了房子,他说. 一年后, our daughter was born and the next thing you know, 你说的, ‘嘿, 在威尼斯注册送38元有很多机会,我没有理由不能在这里发展事业.”




在过去的三十年里, 佩格尔一直在努力往上爬,他说,这在一定程度上要归功于铸造厂为他提供的机会.

“I started as a general laborer in what we call our molding department,他说. “I was in the molding department as an operator for a couple of years. 然后我扮演了一个有质量的角色. Then I was asked to come back to the molding department as a team leader. 然后我从队长变成了领班, 然后是生产助理经理, 生产经理, 然后是工厂助理经理, 工厂经理, director of operations and now vice president of operations.”

Pagel said it’s been 30 years of one opportunity leading into the next.


他说:“我们可以找100个甚至更多的人来讲述和我类似的故事。. “铸造厂就像一个家庭.”

In hindsight, Pagel said he has no regrets about where life led him.

“Waupaca铸造 has been an amazing opportunity for me and my family,他说. “威尼斯注册送38元给我的一切,我觉得我有责任回馈. We have a lot of our employees who feel that same way, and that goes back to that family atmosphere and 文化 of promoting from within.”

罗伯•约翰逊, executive vice president of administration and CFO of Waupaca铸造, said though his tenure with the company doesn’t extend as long as Pagel’s, his experience with the foundry’s family-like atmosphere runs deep.

“My father worked for the company for 35 years, so I've been around Waupaca铸造 for my whole life,他说. “I did work in the mill room for summer college help. I also worked in accounts receivable for a summer.”


一名威尼斯注册送38元的员工正在检查威尼斯注册送38元,因为它们正在通过车间. 提交的照片


“我认为我学到的一件事是, and part of this has probably been from my father working here for 35 years, 钱是在场内赚的吗,他说. “我认为,有时候高管们达到了这样的水平,认为他们承担了所有的责任,做了所有重要的事情, 但当事情发生的时候, 钱是在场内赚的.”

Johnson said understanding that concept is important.

“When you have a 文化 that you're promoting within, 我认为每个人都有相同的价值观,他说.


“When you look at the years of success we've had, it doesn't come without great people and great leadership,他说. “这有点陈词滥调, 但我认为威尼斯注册送38元是一个很好的例子,它践行了我们在内部宣扬和推广的理念. 这是非常关键的,坦率地说,这是我们的竞争优势.”


“With all of the promote from within we do, (employees) can see that reinforced several times throughout the year,他说. “They feel confident that their efforts will be rewarded through advancement. 我觉得我们的员工看到了这一点, 他们看到了机会,这当然会给我们提供动力,让他们发挥出最好的水平.”

今天, 这家铸造厂雇佣了大约4名员工,目前已发展成为北美领先的汽车铸铁件供应商, 商用车辆, 农业, 建筑及工业市场.

The company has seven iron foundries located in Waupaca, 马里内特, 告诉城市, 印第安纳州, Etowah, 田纳西和劳伦斯维尔, 宾夕法尼亚州- 1票.产能400万吨.


A Waupaca铸造 employee processes iron castings for shipment. The foundry is the leading supplier of iron casting worldwide. 提交的照片


莎拉蒂姆, 威尼斯注册送38元的市场总监, 他说,这家铸造厂是全球最大的铸铁件供应商,这有时让人感到惊讶,因为它不是一个面向消费者的品牌.

“我们是二级供应商,”她说. “You can come here and work for the world leader on your back doorstep. 你可以把你最好的贡献给公司,每天都有所作为. In that process of making a difference and giving your best, it makes you uniquely positioned to take on advancing roles. 我认为这是关键.”


他说:“那些想要努力工作和自我提升的人,有很多机会。. “There's a lot of different variations of what people's desires are in life, and I think we can fulfill any need they want. Not everyone's need and desire is to become an executive. 不是每个人都想成为经理, 但对于在威尼斯注册送38元工作的人来说,总是有机会获得这些机会的.”

约翰逊说,尽管铸造厂完全致力于投资于目前的劳动力, 他们也欢迎新员工.

“We've talked a lot about promoting within, 我认为这是个很好的机会, 但这也不意味着我们要排除来自威尼斯注册送38元以外的人,他们想成为其中的一部分,他说. “我们从铸造厂外聘请了一些优秀的人才,他们想要进入这个行业. 在他们踏入这扇门之后, they realize what a great company we are… I think that blend is important.”

Part of that effort, Johnson said, includes partnering with area schools.

“We're bringing more and more high schools into our facilities,他说. “有时, 铸造厂的刻板印象是肮脏的, 但是当老师和学生进来的时候, I think it's eye-opening for them to realize how different that is. We've got a great mentorship program here at Waupaca铸造. We've got internships with college students. So, 我们公司有很多机会,只要你愿意尝试一下.”

Pagel said by moving his way up the ranks as he did, he has a wider perspective of foundry operations now in his new position.

“The things we do are processes on top of processes on top of processes,他说. “我们有熔化过程. 我们有核心制造过程. 我们有成型过程. We have the iron-pouring process, the shake-out process and the mill room process.”

Pagel said those are just the production-side processes.

“(这还不包括)支持行动的所有管理流程,”他说. “通过我在威尼斯注册送38元的职业生涯, I gained more and more exposure to all those manufacturing processes, and that helps with the experiential knowledge. There is a lot of stuff we do that even though you may have a background in, 或者你可能以工程师的身份来到我们这里,或者有其他教育背景——你仍然需要通过我们的流程和学习沃帕卡的方式来学习, 正如我们所说的.”

当他爬上劳动力阶梯的时候, Pagel said whatever frustrated him in a certain role, 当他成为那个领域的领导者时, 他试图纠正这些挫折,这样别人就不会经历和他一样的挫折.

“在担任运营副总裁的过程中,我很幸运地看到了两方面的情况,他说. “我认为这给了我一个很好的视角,让我了解是什么导致了人们的挑战和障碍, and then be able to give them my experiential knowledge of how we overcome those.”



Pagel said his experiential knowledge has given him credibility in his new role.

“当你说,‘我曾经操作过这台成型机,这让我很沮丧. 是什么让你沮丧??’”他说。. “你可以有这种联系,因为你以前做过,你会说这种语言. 这些都是我运用这些知识的方法,这些知识是我在各个不同的部门或工厂(我现在领导的部门或工厂)得到的支持。.”


“在很多不同的对话中(我和客户),当我告诉他们,‘我是托德·佩格尔. 我来自威尼斯注册送38元. 我在铸造厂工作了30年’——你可以自然而然地看到他们的舒适度,他说. “You can see them be comforted by seeing that this guy or gal knows their business. 他们感到欣慰的是,在威尼斯注册送38元有这么多的人有这样的任期,有这样的经验,从车间到我们所做的复杂的事情.”


“Our plants are in smaller locations, where the cities aren't big,他说. “I would say several large companies our size don't have that same atmosphere.”


“通过我们的合作,我们试图与学区和城市在不同的项目上合作——我希望每个人都明白,我们是一个长期职业生涯的好地方, 不管你愿意做什么,他说.

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